Once summer is over and the day get shorter, we have the challenge of trying to get our workouts done before dark. Once the time changes, unless you can run or walk during the day, your workout takes place in the dark. It is challenging, but you can run or walk at night, you do need to take precautions and be prepared.  Remember that the people in cars can not see you, do not see you and are suprised when they do see you.  Dress, run and prepare defensively.  

Here are some suggestions for working out in the dark from Dianna Frankfurth and Dawn Milmine.  These two running buddies have run many many miles together and have come up with this list to help them and you prepare.

  1. Always go out in pairs or in a group. (If possible)
  2. Make sure, no matter what time you start, you have reflective gear on you….shoes, coat, hat, anywhere and preferable everywhere. It gets dark, fast.
  3. Use familiar routes…it is so easy to trip on rocks, fallen acorns and apples, uneven sidewalks, etc…so don’t try new routes unless it is daytime.
  4. It is never too cold…just make sure you have the right clothing, and dress in layers.
  5. Always carry water, no matter what the weather or distance

You can purchase reflective gear at most specialty running shops.  Get a vest, head lamp, knuckle lights, flashlight, reflective jackets or wear bright colors.

Be aware of your surroundings, don’t wear your headphones so that you can hear anyone approach you, use lighted areas if possible, if you are out there alone tell someone your route and when you leave and return.  Don’t take chances with your safety, be prepared and be safe out there.